Brussels ready to consider the assumption that the EU only launches out on ITER

The European Commission is ready to study the assumption that the
EU only launches out, with the allies which wishes it, in the
construction of the experimental engine of fusion Iter, now blocked by
an international conflict on its localization, one indicated Wednesday
of Community source.

The European Union, supported by China and Russia, defends an
establishment in Cadarache, in the south of France, while Japan,
supported by South Korea and the United States, wants to establish the
engine with Rokkasho-Walled, in the north of the country.

The police chief with Search Philippe Busquin sent a letter to the
Dutchwoman presidency to suggest that the 25 gives mandate to the
Commission to study the assumption of a launching of Iter by Europe
and its allies, to leave blocking, indicated a Community source,
confirming published information Wednesday in the French economic
daily newspaper the Platform.

"It is a question for the EU of taking the initiative" of
launching the Iter program with its allies like Russia, China, and
other potentially interested countries like Canada or India, by
leaving the gate open to the current partisans of the Japanese site,
one explained Community source.

The Commission wishes that the 25 consider this assumption as of the
Council of Ministers of the Search for Friday in Brussels, to be able
to make a final decision at the time of the following consulting, in
November, one indicated of the same source.

The principal problem is to find financings alternate for the project,
whose cost is estimated at 10 billion euros including 4,5
billion euros for the construction of the engine.

According to the Platform, the Minister for French Search Fran?ois d'
Aubert proposed at the European Commission to carry the French
participation in 914 million euros, against 457 million
euros in the preliminary draft.

The costs of Iter could be also re-examined with the fall, according
to the daily newspaper.